4-EVENT COW is one you hardly notice. In the span of her lactation, her cow card confirms just four major events:

4-EVENT COW is one you hardly notice. In the span of her lactation, her cow card confirms just four major events:

  1. FRESH
  2. BRED
  3. Confirmed PREGnant
  4. DRY

Of course, maintenance events like pen moves, foot trims, vaccinations, and pregnancy re-checks also occur during a cow’s lactation. But what’s really missing in a 4-EVENT COW’S lactation are the setbacks – the costly, time-consuming issues that hinder overall herd profitability.

She goes about her business of producing high-quality milk without causing any troubles.

Want to create more 4-EVENT COWS in your herd?

Here, you’ll find access to webinar recordings and Facebook Live events related specifically to the 4-EVENT COW. Please note, you don’t even need your own Facebook account to access the Facebook Live events. Simply click the image for whichever webinar or FB Live that you’d like to view, and it will appear on your screen.

The FRESH Event

Check out the webinar hosted by Dr. Alex Scanavez focused on best practices for managing FRESH cows.

The BRED Event

Watch the webinar hosted by Dr. Glaucio Lopes on getting cows BRED – effective strategies for successful insemination.

The PREG Event

Here, Dr. Glaucio Lopes shares the key management tips to have a successful PREG check on your dairy.

The DRY Event

Click the image below to learn from Dr. Alex Scanavez on the key things to keep in mind through the DRY period.

On Key

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