ROI from AltaU

How often on your dairy do you find an instant return on an investment?


Return on Investment (ROI) is what you’ll get with AltaU.

During an AltaU session held this year, two participants learned first-hand how they can make changes that affect the bottom lines on their dairies. After watching the very first presentation on “health and nutrition of dairy calves and heifers” these two participants left the room at the lunch break. They called home to instruct their teams to start applying what they had just learned from Dr. Robert Corbett.

One participant implemented new cleaning and sanitizing techniques for the bottles they use to feed colostrum. The other immediately adjusted the level of protein in their milk replacer.

What do these participants expect from these changes? Less incidence of scours at the first dairy, and increased average daily gains for improved development at the second farm.

One participant commented that they thought they knew everything about dairying, but after AltaU, they’re going back home with more questions on how to further improve their operation. 

Looking for your own ROI?

Check out how the intense, 5-day AltaU, led by dairy industry expert instructors, can help you make profitable changes on your dairy. You’ll dig deep into the following areas of your dairy:

  • Labor management
  • Calf care
  • Replacement heifer development
  • Housing, lameness and cow comfort
  • Transition cow management and nutrition
  • Udder health and milk quality
  • Parlor management
  • Reproduction and AI
  • Dairy records analysis and decision making
  • Genetics, genomics, and genetic planning

Email [email protected] to register, or visit this link to LEARN MORE.

On Key

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