Whole Bovine Colostrum
High immunity with natural, effective energy
We offer whole bovine colostrum from our sister company, SCCL. Use these CFIA-approved colostrum products to enrich or replace maternal colostrum for your calves.

Why choose SCCL Colostrum?
High Transfer of Immunity
- IgG’s are readily absorbed for maximum immune protection
- An excellent source of IgG (over 85% in the form of IgG1), growth factors, and nutrients needed to improve calf survival, health, growth, and long-term performance
- Broad spectrum of antibodies and nutrients that are needed to establish a healthy, strong start after birth
- Easily mixes in under 15 seconds!
- 3-year shelf life
High in Colostral Fat
- An important energy source required by calves immediately after birth
- Assists with thermoregulation
Safe and Effective
- Free of pathogens that cause the following diseases: Tuberculosis, Brucellosis, Leucosis, Paratuberculosis (causing Johne’s disease), Salmonellosis, E. coli infection, others
- CFIA Veterinary Biologics licensed for use as a total replacement for maternal colostrum in calves
Whole Bovine Colostrum
- Not skimmed or reconstructed from components
- High in growth and natural antimicrobial factors
Follow the 3 Q's of colostrum
Follow the 3 Q's of Colostrum

1st Feeding
within 1-2 hours after birth
2nd Feeding
within the next 8 hours to assure 2 feedings within 12 hours
You would never feed your cows an unknown ration. So why take the chance with your calves?
Test colostrum quality using an optical or digital % brix refractometer

Feed 10% of the calf’s body weight as a 1st feeding (40 kg calf = 4L).
1st Feeding 3 - 4L | 150 - 200 g lgG
2nd Feeding 2 - 3L | 150 - 200 g lgG
Make SCCL Colostrum work for you
Find out how to purchase today
30g IgG/scoop

Calf’s Choice Total® HiCal
100g IgG/bag or 30g IgG/scoop

Colostrum 150TM
150g IgG/bag

60g IgG/bag